
Dual Subtitles for YouTube


Dual Subtitles

Displays original and translated subtitles side by side, allowing flexible pairing of original and translated languages, as well as human-generated and machine-generated subtitles.


Machine Translation

Features a context-aware translation mode specifically designed for subtitle translation, resulting in translations with more natural sentence breaks, aligning more accurately with the originals.


Speech Recognition

Powered by the OpenAI Whisper model, subtitles are generated in just a few seconds, structured as coherent clauses, and punctuated.


Efficient and Flexible

Using the segmented processing strategy, machine-generated subtitles are processed on demand as the playback progresses. The subtitles are displayed in coherent clauses, synchronized with the audio without delay.


Broad Website Support

Supports YouTube, Netflix, Disney+, and over 20 other video websites.


Multiple Platform Compatibility

Compatible with browsers supporting the Manifest V3 extension specification, runs on Android and iOS devices.